CLDP - Community Plan - Executive Summary
CLDP - Community Plan
CLDP - Community Plan - Executive Summary
CLDP - Community Plan

CLDP Updates Project Plans - November 2024
CLDP Updates Project Plans - August 2023
CLDP Project Plans
CLDP Project Plans
1st March 2022 Update
The pdf files below are the plans, concepts and designs that the CLDP working group has now accepted as final. The order that these plans will be implemented has not been finalised.
Wetlands Concept Overview
Playground Equipment
Wetlands Carpark Concept
Otematata Landscape Works
Scroll and zoom to view all pages
Update 8 May 2021 - Community Feedback Results
The pdf files below provide a comprehensive analysis of the feedback relating to the Community Park Concept Plan Proposal.
Thanks are extended to all those who provided feedback regarding this, with special gratitude being extended to TAOL for conducting the feedback process and analysing and presenting the results.
The CLDP Working Group acknowledges and appreciates the suggestions emerging from the feedback and gives assurance that these will be fully considered as the plan is further shaped to reflect community needs. This specifically relates to the most identified areas of the playground, plantings and sports fields.
Given the considerable support for improving the area, the CLDP groups will continue to work on the Park development and will continue to inform you and seek your feedback as the proposal is modified and redefined.
With best wishes to all.
Steve Dalley
ORAI Chair
Richard Paton
CLDP Working Group Coordinator
Complete list of all the feedback
PDF list of all the comments, tagged and categorised
Otematata Park Concept Plan Video
To give some context two years ago CLDP was brought to the attention of the residents association. Considerable effort went into an application and we were successful in becoming the 18th community in NZ to be accepted. This meant the ORAI were given mentoring and financial support to achieve goals and projects within the community. This contract would last 5 years.
Further effort went into establishing a memorandum of understanding which was signed in November 2019 and celebrated at a community family BBQ.
Within this, structures were established, and a working group was set up under the governance of the ORAI.
Next Steps
A survey was conducted in 2019/2020 to determine what people saw as priorities and three broad areas emerged.
• Town beatification
• Wetlands development
• Community Park development
The community park development is our first project.
Taking the potpourri of ideas provided by stakeholders a case was put to DIA for Baxter Design to present concept plans that would enhance the township of Otematata for its stakeholders.
In February Paddy Baxter shared his ideas with the CLDP working group. The concepts were then shared with the ORAI and it was decided that there was sufficient merit in the proposal to share it fully and ask for stakeholder feedback.
We held a public meeting over Easter Weekend at the Otematata Hall and had an excellent turnout. Feedback has been collected, analysed and a report has been presented to the CLDP committee for consideration of the next steps. It is clear to us that we have a community that is passionate about our shared spaces.