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CLDP Report to ORAI
November 2024

This final report for the year will provide direction for the remaining CLDP projects as we move towards the end of the five-year CLD Programme

The programme remains directly aligned to the initial application and Memorandum of Understanding and continues to work within the agreed and established values and guidelines.

The Community Led Development Programme is scheduled to be completed by 31 March 2025 within the framework as follows:

Remaining Projects

When considering the remaining projects, it is important to differentiate between CLDP Projects, and ORAI projects, currently under discussion.

The remaining CLDP Projects within the remaining CLDP budget consist of:

  • Beautification of the Rata Drive Reserve

  • Drip line irrigation to support plantings in Rata Reserve

  • Shade Sails for sun protection.

  • Ongoing communication costs.

  • Completion of the Wetlands Peninsular Track

Funding for these remaining projects has already been received and approvals from ACB and WDC given at the November 11th Ahuriri Community Board Meeting.

As a result, TSÁ Consulting have been engaged to continue to manage the project as part of the total park development completion, and Paul Smith Earthworks have been re engaged to undertake the work as part of their ongoing park development, with the goal being completion as soon as possible.

Copies of the plans are on the ORAI website and hard copies of the plans will be displayed in the Function Centre entranceway.

As with previous projects, maintenance and depreciation will become a WDC responsibility following completion and the “official handover”.

At the time of writing this report exact costs have not been determined however indicative figures suggest the projects will sit just within budget with possible nominal adjustments as required. With regard to this the Department of Internal Affairs remains highly supportive of the programme and through our advisor Ms Hurihia Luafitu, continue to offer guidance and support.

Also of note is the support from the Waitaki District Council and the Ahuriri Community Board.


A full programme of reporting will be presented as per DIA and co funder expectations on completion of the project, with a proposed (DIA) late summer community celebration to mark completion of a very successful community effort.

In the meantime gratitude is expressed to all involved with the CLD Programme, and in particular to the ORAI  members themselves who will now give consideration to the remaining  and new projects that are being presented.



Richard Paton

CLDP Coordinator



Steve Dalley

ORAI Chair


Community Led Development Programme

July 2024  Update

This brief update is to keep you in the loop regarding proposed CLDP activities as the programme moves through its final months.

As you may have noticed, since the April update the lights in the park have been installed and the BBQ and water fountains are fully operative.

Most of the shrubs and trees have adjusted well to their new environment, and although some replacements may be required, the vast majority seem to be happily awaiting the coming of spring.

So, what remains to be done…??

Work continues in the Wetlands, with full acknowledgement to volunteers past and present, for having the foresight and drive to develop and maintain this wonderful place.

In support the ORAI has just purchased a mulcher to reduce the need for foliage burns, and to support regeneration in the area, while the CLDP continues to support the development of the Peninsular Walkway.

Over SH 83 and back into the village, plans are being produced to provide increased shade over seating areas, and also to provide further beautification through additional tree planting, and associated irrigation.

These plans, once accepted and approved by ORAI, will be placed on this website, and in hard copy on the Function Centre door, for feedback and consideration.

The intention then is to have these projects completed before Xmas to meet the Department of Internal Affairs completion of contract deadlines.

Thanks are extended to all involved in the Community Led Development Programme and particularly to the Department of internal Affairs for their ongoing financial support.


Richard Paton


CLDP Otematata


Steve Dalley


Otematata Residents Association Inc.

April 2024  Update

As we enter the final phase of the Community Led Development Programme thanks continue to be extended to all volunteers and contractors who have been involved with this significant project over the last years. 

Thanks are also extended to the Department of Internal Affairs, Co Funders and DIA Advisors, for providing the funds and guidance that have allowed the development to happen. 

So, as the photos show, starting from the Community BBQ and extended Playground, new pathways and landscaping lead down the side of the sports field, veering left to the shop and enhanced outdoor areas, or progressing across the road to a new cycle/walkway linking to the Golf Course,Hotel, and Loch Laird Road. Numerous conversation areas supported by Corten Steel shelter breaks and an abundance of new plantings are already showing the advantages brought by the newly installed irrigation system.

Also to be noted is that the new irrigation system extends along the Community Park Roadside to support the commemorative trees long overdue for regular watering. Norwegian maples on the slopes are already showing the vibrance of autumn while new plantings in the concrete medians provide a sense of arrival and presence to the village centre.